
As a leading company in the tire recycling field in the world, we of course have been complied to the ISO 14001 for environmental activity, and also acquired Japanese standard “Compliance Safe Mark” that is more strict standard than Japanese domestic law.

ISO 14001

March 16, 2004: ISO14001 : 1996/ “JIS Q 140001 : 1996” certified
March 9, 2006: The certification renewals of “ISO14001: 2004” / “JIS Q 140001″registered
April 11, 2013: The certification renewals of “ISO14001: 2004” / “JIS Q 140001” expanded to Tohoku Branch
April 17, 2017: The certification renewals of “ISO14001: 2004” / “JIS Q 140001” expanded to Hokkaido Branch

Emergency Training

We have our own fire engine, and doing firefighting drills regularly. Every our staffs trained how to use fire engine, extinguishers, and water training etc.

Clean-Up Activity

Keeping our local area clean is our duty. We regularly deploy clean-up activity every month, removing inflammables and scattered garbage to keep our environment clean.

Factory Tour

Kokubu Shokai welcomes you to visit our factory. Please make a reservation through inquiry form in this website. You can see how we process waste tires, how we endeavor to the environmental preservation, safety and disaster prevention.